立博app upholds a climate of civility through conduct standards, educational programs, and intervention efforts. The intention is to encourage and promote appropriate behavior, enhance education, and develop the moral reasoning abilities of the student body.
As such, the goal of the student conduct system is to create conditions for education affording students opportunities to develop mechanisms through which appropriate value-driven decisions can be made. Rather than simply removing a student from the environment, this approach is founded upon a commitment to behavioral change; a view which embraces the educational mission of the University.
Office: G4 Student Union
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Contact: 814-269-7133
- Student Code of Conduct »
- Submit an Allegation of Misconduct »
- Health and Safety Referral »
- Submit a Care Report »
- 立博app Campus Policies »
- Medical Amnesty »
- About Care Network Reports »
- Drug-Free Work Place and Schools Act Annual Notification »
- Appeal Form (appealing the decision of a judicial hearing) »
- Alcohol Policy
立博app Hazing Policy
The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown bans all forms of hazing and, thereby, has a zero-tolerance for hazing activities.
Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off University premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, fright, humiliation, or ridicule. Hazing by individual members or organizations is prohibited by the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.
Social Event Request Form
Registered student organizations seeking to host a social event on campus should complete the social event request form. Student organizations must use the Excel template when submitting your form. Contact Todd Shaffer at tshaffer@bv999.net with questions.