University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown

Health and Counseling Services

The 立博app Office of Health and Counseling Services provides a variety of services to improve and sustain students’ health and well-being. The office offers a broad range of innovative and confidential services that address the psychological health, educational, developmental, and social needs of our students.

All services (health, counseling and disability) provided by OHCS are free and confidential and are covered under the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act.

Health Services include:

  • Providing on-campus healthcare
  • Treating minor ailments or general health problems (a doctor is also available for pre-scheduled appointments).

Counseling Services include:

  • Offering individual counseling
  • Providing off-campus referrals, as necessary

Disability Services include:

  • Providing academic, environmental, and housing accommodations
  • Offering testing services


Shelley Peruso, MA, Executive Director/Disabilities Specialist/Counselor

Emily Kist, MSW, LCSW

Susan Obarsky, MA, MSW, LSW

Dr. Conor Mulcahy, D.O., Medical Director

Patricia Ankney, RN, BSN, CSN, Clinical Coordinator of Health Services